OpTeC sponsors a colloquium throughout the academic year. This is a forum where a wide range of optical science and engineering topics are discussed at a level that can be understood by a broad spectrum of optics students, staff, and faculty. The primary purposes are to train students to give effective scientific talks and to promote cross-disciplinary interactions of students, staff, faculty, and local industry employees. Speakers include MSU students, staff, and faculty, and visitors from external universities, research labs, and companies.

Join our colloquium on

Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 4:10 pm.

Norm Asbjornson Hall, Room 153

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Printable Flyer

Tracking the sky’s neutral point positions for atmospheric turbidity

Meredith Kupinski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Wyant College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona


Monitoring the polarization signature of the sky is valuable for navigation, meteorology, and remote sensing. However, the neutral points—Babinet (above the Sun), Brewster (below the Sun), Arago (above the anti-Sun), and the Fourth (below the anti-Sun) — remain underutilized as meteorological tools. Unlike direct line-of-sight measurements, neutral point positions are influenced by scattering throughout the sky dome. The neutral points are randomly polarized due to an incoherent balance of single and multiple scattering, but further research is needed to understand their positional changes under varying atmospheric conditions. In this talk, I will share the development of the Ultraviolet Linear Stokes Imaging Polarimeter (ULTRASIP), designed to image the sky with a 7.2 arcseconds/pixel resolution at a center wavelength of 355 nm (20 nm bandpass). We have developed an original estimation technique that achieves Babinet altitude uncertainties ranging from 2.16 to 5.40 arcseconds over a day-long observation period. The development of ULTRASIP and high-precision neutral point tracking will facilitate correlation studies with Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) atmospheric turbidity data, enhancing our understanding of sky polarization applications.

Biographical Sketch

Meredith Kupinski joined the Wyant College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona (UA) in 2008 where she is now an Associate Professor developing polarimetric instrumentation, polarized light scattering models, and polarization-aware computer vision and graphics capabilities. Prof. Kupinski was the recipient of a Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) postdoctoral NSF fellowship to study polarimetry for aerosol science. In 2016, she was awarded a Jean d’Alembert visiting scholar position at École Polytechnic in France to work on Mueller polarimetry for cervical cancer detection. She recently received an NSF CAREER award to develop polarimetric importance sampling for computer graphics. She is the PI of a NASA Instrument Incubator Program on Channeled Infrared Polarimetry for cloud ice observations. She is also the PI of an ONR project on manifold optimization to use quadratic imaging statistics in detection problems. She earned a BS with Highest Honors in Imaging Technologies from the Rochester Institute of Technology and an MS and PhD in Optical Sciences from UA.


Past Speakers

Date Speaker Group Summary

Andrew Oliver

Montana State University

Productization:  Peeling the Onion or How to design and build millions of high-quality devices


Patrick Franzen


Scholarly Publishing in 2024: A publisher's perspective


Jed Hancock

Space Dynamics Laboratory, Utah State University

Exploring Atmospheric Gravity Waves: NASA's Atmospheric Waves Experiment on the International Space Station


Matthew Birkebk


Fundamental Calibrations for Remote 
Sensing Sensors Using Integrating Spheres


Stefan Heinemann

Phix, North America

Packaging technologies of integrated photonics for quantum technology


Allison Barto

Ball Aerospace

Engineering Discovery: Building NASA's James Webb Space Telescope


Thomas Coleman

Silixa, LLC

Fiber optic distributed sensing for environmental and infrastructure monitoring


John Howell

Chapman University

Doppler Gyroscopes: Do we really understand the gyroscope?


Krishna Rupavatharam, Ph.D.

Spectrum  Lab

Perspectives on the evolution of microwave and quantum photonics at Spectrum Lab


John W. Sheppard, Ph.D., FIEE

MSU Gianforte School of Computing

Demystifying machine learning through eXplainable AI


Finland Photonics

Finnish Photonics Cluster

Photonics in Finland


Nicholas Borys. Ph.D.

MSU Physics

An introduction to the MonArk NSF Quantum Foundry


Alex Hills

Carnegie Mellon University

Mitigating LEO-to-GEO satellite interference


Stephen Schultz

Brigham Young University, Electrical & computer Engineering

Dynamic measurement of soft body armor using optical fiber sensing


Bradley Whitaker

MSU Electrical & Computer Engineering

How machine learning can help scientists who shoot fish and insects with lasers


Tom Hausekn


Hot topics in optics and photonics


Jim Webb1 & Scott Wohlstein2 

1 G.L. Services, Hertfordshire, England
2 The Photonics Group,West Chester, OH

Using the LaserSafePC software for laser safety calculations 



Brian D'Urso 

MSU Physics Department

Towards precision pulsed levitated optomechanics in a magneto-gravitational trap


Wataru Nakagawa

MSU ECE Department

Nanophotonics Applications and Sabbatical Exploration



Nathan Kuehl

Bryan Scherrer

MSU Physics and ECE Dep'ts Kuehl: Troubleshooting, repair and calibration of Burleigh WA-1500 Wavemeter.

Scherrer: Model and simulation of wing-beat modulation lidar for making 3D maps of flying insects .

11/19/2020 Dr. Charles Kankelborg MSU Physics Department

Designing a far ultraviolet spectrometer for the sun as a starAbstract

11/12/2020 Dr. Ioannis Roudis MSU ECE Department  Nonlinear noise in coherent optical communications systems    Abstract
4/09/2015 Dr. James G. Wessel Seagate Corporation Hard Disc-Drive Recording
3/19/2015 Dr. Jake Jacobsen Synopsys, Optical Solution Group A review of optical design software at Synopsys
2/05/2015 Dr. Mark A. Wistey ECE Department, University of Notre Dame Paths to record lasers and solar cells--and on cheap silicon
11/24/2014 Dr. Olav Solgaard ECE Department, Stanford University Miniaturized endoscopes and implantable sensors for in-vivo studies of cancer biology
11/6/2014 Dr. Kirk Knobelspiesse NASA Ames Research Center Cloud thermodynamic phase detection with polarimetrically sensitive passive sky radiometers.
10/30/2014 Dr. Kris Merkel President & CEO S2 Corporation, Bozeman, MT S2 Extreme Bandwidth Analyzer and Correlator (EBAC):Updates on Improvements and Demonstrations
11/14/2013 Dr. Upendra Singh NASA Langley Research Center Development of a pulsed 2-micron integrated-path differential absorption lidar for CO2 measurements
10/31/2013 Qing Gu University of California - San Diego Semiconductor nanolasers for dense chip-scale integration
9/16/2013 Dr. Jim Schwiegerling College of Optical Sciences - University of Arizona Leading edge optics for optimizing vision
5/14/2013 Dr. John Egan Advanced Photonic Crystals The benefits of low temperature hydrothermal crystal growth
4/25/2013 Dr. Edwin ("Ted") Heilweil National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Time-resolved terahertz studies of carrier dynamics in P3HT and zinc-phthalocyanine/C60 nanolayered thin films
2/26/2013 Dr. Larry Johnson and Dr. Mark Carroll Newport Corporation Part 1. Overview of laser diode technology and applications; Part 2. Job opportunities and desired skills for graduates at Newport/ILX Lightwave
2/8/2013 Dr. Toralf Scharf Institute of Microtechnology, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland From achromatic microlenses to submicron focusing: physical optics at the micro-scale